Traduire ("chez", 'jusqu'à", "pour"):

- 1. Nous ne serons pas chez nous dimanche, nous serons chez mon beau-frère.
      We won't (shan't) be at home on Sunday we'll be at my brother-in-law's

- 2. Chez les Thomson la salle de séjour est plus petite que chez vous.
       At the Thomsons' the living room is smaller than in (at) your home (house place)

- 3. Ce qui m'inquiète chez lui, c'est son manque d'intérêt pour quoi que ce soit.
      What worries me about him is his lack of interest in anything.

- 4. Je ne m'attendais pas à trouver tant de courage chez lui.
      I didn't expect him to be so brave.
      I wasn't expecting him to show so much courage.

- 5. Ça ne se fait pas chez nous.
      It's not done in our country.
      It's not done where we come from. (where we live)
      It's not done in our family.       It's not done around here.
      It's not the done thing.
      We don't do that sort of thing here.  You can't do that sort of thing here.

- 6. Comme il faisait beau, nous sommes allés en voiture jusqu'à Salisbury.
       As the weather was fine (or As it was fine) we drove (we went by car) as far as Salisbury.

- 7. Jusqu'en 1947 l'Inde était une Colonie de la Couronne.
       Until 1947 India was a Crown Colony

- 8. De nombreuses femmes travaillaient dans les usines pendant la guerre, jusqu'à la fille ainée du roi, qui est maintenant la reine Elizabeth.
    A great many (A lot of) women  worked(used to work)  in factories during the war, even the King's elder daughter,     who is now Queen Elizabeth.

- 9. Ils sont allés jusqu'à dire que nous les avions trompés intentionnellement. 
  They   even(actually)    said (that) we had  intentionally(deliberately)  misled(deceived)  them.
  They went as(so)  far as to say we had misled them intentionally.
  They went to the point of saying we had deceived them on purpose.

- 10. Il y avait jusqu'à cinq cents personnes qui venaient l'écouter prêcher.
   As many as (or up to)  five hundred people would come (or used to come)  and (or to) hear him preach  (to listen to him preaching.)

- 11. J'ai dû payer une amende d'une livre pour avoir laissé stationner ma voiture devant le cinéma. 
    I had to pay a (one) pound fine for parking my car outside the cinema. I was fined a pound because I left my car parked...

- 12. Téléphonons-leur pour qu'ils sachent que nous sommes rentrés.
  Let's phone (call) them so that they know we're back. (Let's ring them up...)

- 13. Pour qui est ce disque? - Il est pour vous. 
 Who is this record for? It's for you.

- 14. Il part toujours très tôt pour ne pas manquer son train.
He always leaves very early so as not to (in order not to) miss his train.

- 15. Je ne me sers jamais de ma voiture pour aller à mon bureau. 
 I never use my car to go to my office.