Traduire ("encore", 'même", "si"):

- 1. Nous resterons ici encore trois semaines.
    We'll stay here for another three weeks. (for three more weeks)

- 2. I1 est encore plus grand que son père.
    He is even taller than his father.

­- 3. A une heure du matin il n'était pas encore couché, il travaillait encore.
    At one a.m. (At one o'clock in the morning) he was not yet in bed,(wasn't in bed yet   = spoken English)  he was still working.

- 4. Encore dix miles et nous serons arrivés.
    Another ten miles (Ten more miles) and we'll be there. (we'll arrive).

- 5. S'il n'a pas encore repris son travail, c'est certainement parce qu'il est encore malade.
    If he hasn't gone back to work yet ,  it must be (it's certainly) because he's still ill.

- 6. Nous lisons les mêmes livres.
    We read the same books.

- 7. Même lui l'a dit.
    Even he said so

- 8. C'est ici même, dans cette pièce, que le traité fut signé.
    It was here in this very room that the treaty was signed.

- 9. Il sortit sans même dire au revoir.
    He went out without even saying goodbye.

- 10. Il n'est pas si riche qu'on le dit. - Oh, mais si.
     He isn't as rich as people say (or : as they say) . Oh yes he is.
     He isn't as rich as he is said to be.

- 11. Ne marchez pas si vite, ne soyez pas si pressé.
     Don't walk so fast . Don't be in such a hurry.

- 12. Si forts qu'ils soient, nous nous défendrions s'ils nous attaquaient.
      However strong they are (may be)
we would defend ourselves if they attacked us.
      Strong as they are (may be)       

- 13. Nous nous demandons s'ils pourront venir.
     We're  wondering (we wonder) whether (if)  they'll be able to come. (if they can  come)

- 14. C'est un homme si riche qu'il ne sait pas quoi faire de son argent.
     He is such a rich man that he doesn't know what to do with his money.

- 15. Je n'ai pas aimé le film. - Moi si.

     I didn't like the film. I did.