Preposition after adjective + infinitive

1 She's nice to talk to.

2 He's difficult to live with.

3 My brother's impossible to argue with.

4 Those old trains aren't very pleasant to travel in.

5 Ice isn't easy to drive on.

6 The river was difficult to swim across.

7 Her village is hard to get to.

8 He is very easy to get on with.

9 Water- colours are difficult to paint with.

10 She is interesting to work with.



A broken cup is difficult to drink out of.

A broken fork is hard to eat with.

A cushion is comfortable to sit on.

A small hard chair is uncomfortable to sit on.

A warm bath is nice to lie in.

Baby animals are nice (interesting) to play with.

Classical music is nice (interesting, boring, difficult) to listen to.

Family problems can be difficult (hard) to talk about (boring to listen to).

Lectures are often boring to listen to (interesting to talk about).

People who travel a lot can be interesting to listen to (to talk to) (boring to listen to).


For little children a very small spoon is easy  (easier)  to eat with.

 A very small spoon is hard to eat with.

Shoes that  are too small are uncomfortable to walk in.

A hard bed is uncomfortable to lie on (to sleep in).

A noisy  hotel room is difficult to sleep in.

A broken pencil is hard to write with.

preposition after