Compléter les phrases par des prépositions:

_ 1. A neighbour looks after our cat while we are away on holiday.
_ 2. I can't see any reason for his rude behaviour. How can you account for it?
_ 3. He is not very good at English, he is more interested in maths, and very keen on biology. 
_ 4. Are you pleased with your new job? - Not really, 1 took it for want of something better. l can't hope for anything better under (or in) the present circumstances.
_ 5. What about inviting the Smiths? We haven't seen them for ages.
_ 6. Could you type this text by (for) Tuesday? It's rather urgent. - All right. I'll do it during (over) the week-end.
_ 7. I'm looking forward to seeing them again on the occasion of their daughter's wedding.
_ 8. I'll tell you about it on condition that you keep it a secret.
_ 9. I was under the impression that he wouldn't be content with so little.
_ 10. There is no need for you to shout at me in  this way.
_ 11. We were all surprised at his remarkable results and we congratulated him on them.
_ 12. They had to operate on him for appendicitis. -
_ 13. We shan't be able to come until next week, as our car is under repair.
_ 14. The accident happened through your recklessness. - l'm sorry about it
_ 15. We are going on a long joumey next summer, the route is still under discussion,