Traduire en employant des périphrases construites avec to be, (et examiner si d'autres traductions sont possibles).
  -1 Il lui arrive d'être de mauvaise humeur le lundi matin.
      He can be (He tends to be, He is liable to be, He is apt to be) bad-tempered (in a bad mood) on Monday mornings.

 - 2. Il est exposé à échouer de nouveau.
       He is liable to fail (He runs the risk of failing, He's in danger  of failing) again.

 - 3. Nous devons déjeuner ensemble dans un restaurant chinois
       We are going to (We are to, We are due to, We have arranged to)  have lunch together in a Chinese restaurant.

 - 4. Il va inévitablement se rendre compte qu'il a fait une erreur.
       He is bound to realize that he has made a mistake (that he was  mistaken).

 - 5. Ma remarque lui a certainement déplu.
       He must (He is sure to) have resented my remark.

 - 6. Ils devaient venir de bonne heure, je me demande ce qui leur est arrivé.
        They were (supposed) to come early, I wonder what has happened to them.  (They should have come early)

 - 7. Il ne faut pas que tu sortes avant d'avoir fini tes devoirs.
      You are not to go out (you mustn't go out) before you've done (finished) your homework (before finishing your homework)

 - 8. Il est probable qu'il y a eu très peu de clients.
        There are likely to have been very few customers. There were probably very few customers.

 - 9. Vous ne pouvez pas ne pas les avoir vus.
        You can't possibly have missed (seeing) them. You are bound to have seen them.
         It's impossible for you not to have seen them. (You can't not have seen them)

 - 10. Il y a des chances pour qu'ils aient renoncé à leur pique-nique.
         They're likely to have given up (the idea of) their picnic.

 - 11. Ils attendent certainement depuis longtemps.
          They must have been waiting for a long time.

 - ­12. Cela va probablement se reproduire.
          That is likely to happen again. (That will probably happen again)

 - 13. Il lui arrive de perdre son sang-froid quand les choses marchent mal.
          He is apt (liable) to lose his self control when things are going wrong. (He tends to lose .. )

 - 14. Il conduit si vite qu'il risque toujours d'avoir un accident.
          He drives so fast that he is always liable to have an accident.

 - ­15. Il devait y avoir un concert en plein air hier soir, mais  il a plu toute la soirée.
          There was supposed to be an open air concert last night  (There was to have been ...) but it rained all evening. (the whole evening )

 - 16. Le Premier Ministre doit parler à la téIévision ce soir.
          The prime minister is (due) to speak on television tonight

 - 17. Il lui arrivait de vexer ses amis sans s'en apercevoir.
          He was apt to (liable to) offend (hurt) his friends without realizing (it).

 - 18. Le docteur disait qu'il risquait de mourir d'un instant à l'autre.­
         The doctor said he was liable to die  (he could die) at any moment.

 - 19. Leur avion doit arriver à 4 heures.
         Their plane is due (to arrive, to land) at four.

 - 20. Nous devions lui écrire, quand nous avons reçu sa lettre.
          We were (going, supposed) to write to him, when we received his letter.